Anthony, Katherine
Program: Ph.D. Gerontology
Home units: School of Education and Human Development and Family Studies
Email: katiea01@iastate.edu
Research interests: Technology and older adults and how that relationship impacts their mental health

Dannewitz, Hannah
Program: M.S. Gerontology
Home unit: Human Development and Family Studies & College of Business
Email: hcd@iastate.edu
Research interests: Health administration, long-term care, and elder abuse

Lee, Gina
Program: M.S./Ph.D. Gerontology
Home unit: Human Development and Family Studies
Email: ginalee@iastate.edu
Research interests: Successful again, mental health and subjective health of older adults, and marital and family relationships

Lu, Peiyi
Program: Ph.D. Gerontology
Home unit: Political Science
Email: peiyilu@iastate.edu
Research interests: Health and well-being of older adults, quantitative methodology, social welfare policy, gerontological social work

Peterson, Natasha
Program: Ph.D. Gerontology
Home unit: Human Development and Family Studies
Email: nlp@iastate.edu
Research interests: End-of-life care, intergenerational relationships, successful aging, dementia and Alzheimer’s, caregiving

Steffensmeier, Chloe
Program: M.S. Gerontology
Home unit: Human Development and Family Studies
Email: chloes@iastate.edu
Research interests: Stress, cognition, retirement, and personality.

Stratton, Lauren
Program: Ph.D. Gerontology
Home unit: Human Development and Family Studies
Email: stratton@iastate.edu
Research interests: Dementia, caregiving, and caregiving knowledge

Wang, Mengya
Program: Ph.D. Gerontology
Home unit: Human Development and Family Studies
Email: mwang19@iastate.edu
Research interests: Coming soon.

Woods, Gabrielle
Program: Ph.D. Gerontology
Home unit: Kinesiology
Email: woodsgc@iastate.edu
Research interests: Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, religious self-care strategies of caregivers

Xu, Cai
Program: Ph.D. Gerontology
Home unit: Political Science
Email: caixu@iastate.edu
Research interests: Elder abuse, health care policy

Joynt, Mary
Program: Ph.D. Gerontology
Home unit: Human Development and Family Studies
Email: marys1@iastate.edu
Research interests: broad aspects of women and aging, gendered aspects of older adults, and gender and longevity

Obhi, Hardeep
Program: PhD. Gerontology
Home unit: Human Development and Family Studies
Email: hkobhi@iastate.edu
Research interests: Adult development and aging, health, well-being, and optimal aging, cognition and dementia, biopsychosocial reserves of cognitive aging, and attitudes toward older adults

Su, Yan
Program: M.S. Gerontology
Home unit: Human Development and Family Studies
Email: yansu2871@gmail.com
Research interests: Nursing and older adult care

True-Funk, Arielle
Program: M.S. Gerontology
Home unit: Sociology
Email: truefunk@iastate.edu
Research interests: Housing insecurity