College of Agriculture and Life Sciences/College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Bronikowski, Anne
Department: Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
Office: 341A Bessey
Address: 2200 Osborn Rd, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 7170
Research interests: comparative physiology, genetics of aging, comparative biodemography

Burke, Sandra Charvat
Department: Economics
Office: 181 Heady
Address: 518 Farm House Ln, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 9307
Research interests: demography of aging, research methods, census and social indicators data

Janzen, Fredric
Department: Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
Office: 343 Bessey
Address: 2200 Osborn Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 4009
Research interests: ecology and evolution of aging in long-lived organisms in the wild

Jensen, Helen H
Department: Economics
Office: 578E Heady
Address: 518 Farm House Ln, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 6253
Research interests: economic behaviors, food program design and evaluation, food insecurity, food safety
College of Design

Bates, Lisa
Department: Interior Design
Office: Ste 121 Cpmi
Address: 2321 N Loop Dr Ste 121, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 8397
Research interests: retail design, economic development, ethnic retailers, engaged scholarship, interdisciplinary

Kang, Sunghyun
Department: Graphic Design
Office: 282 Design
Address: 715 Bissell Rd, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 3560
Research interests: visual communication, design and evaluation, design for diverse users, usability, web design

Osterberg, Arvid
Department: Architecture
Office: 493 Design
Address: 715 Bissell Rd, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 8221
Research interests: accessibility standards and inclusive design, standards and codes related to building and site safety issues, designing for the life span, building assessments and post occupancy evaluations, restoration and rehabilitation methods and procedures
College of Engineering

Chandra, Abhijit
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Office: 2106 Black Engr
Address: 2529 Union Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 4834
Research interests: manufacturing, computational mechanics, data science, life expectancy prediction

Gilbert, Stephen
Department: Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Office: 3026 Black Engr
Address: 2529 Union Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 6782
Research interests: Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Usability, Learning Sciences, Interface Design, Educational Technologies, Human-Computer Interaction.

Guan, Yong
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office: 3219 Coover
Address: 2520 Osborn Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 8378
Research interests: information security and privacy, digital forensics, human-centric computation, wearable sensor-based fusion for implementable medical device

Narasimhan, Balaji
Department: Chemical Engineering
Office: 2035 Sweeney
Address: 618 Bissell Rd., Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 8019
Research interests: Molecular design of nanoscale polymer systems and biomaterials to precisely control molecular architecture and functionality in these systems.
College of Human Sciences

Abraham, Todd
Department: School of Education
Office: E005 Lagomarcino
Address: 901 Stange Rd., Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 3947
Research interests: Life event influences on physical and psychological well-being, construct measurement among the elderly, quantitative methodology and statistical modeling

Bartholomae, Suzanne
Department: Human Development and Family Studies
Office: 58 Lebaron Hall
Address: 626 Morill Road, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 9528
Research interests: Financial health and wellness; Financial literacy and capability; Health insurance literacy and the Affordable Care Act; Financial education; Program evaluation; Family financial socialization

Chou, Li-Shan
Department: Kinesiology
Research interests: Biomechanocal analysis of gait imbalance and mobility impairment, Cognition and gait – dual-task gait paradigms, Gait and balance disorders following mild traumatics brain injury, Running mechanics, Clinical gait analysis.

Fletcher, Cynthia
Department: Human Development and Family Studies
Office: 66 Lebaron
Address: 626 Morrill Road, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 8521
Research interests: Family and consumer economics, family and consumer policy, structural influences on family economic well-being, family policy analysis and program evaluation, poverty and rural communities, financial capability

Francis, Sarah
Department: Food Science and Human Nutrition
Office: 224D MacKay
Address: 2302 Osborn Drive, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: 515-294-1456
Research interests: I am interested in determining to what extent theory-based, unique, and innovative nutrition and health intervention strategies can increase awareness, knowledge and adoption of health-promoting behaviors in older adults and those with limited resources audiences and evaluating those interventions through long-term community-based studies using a balance of qualitative and quantitative methods.

Franke, Warren
Department: Kinesiology
Office: 0103j Forker
Address: 534 Wallace Rd, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 8257
Research interests: mechanisms underlying cardiovascular disease in emergency responders, such as law enforcement officers and firefighters, using virtual reality environments to assess decision making and cardiovascular responses to occupationally relevant stressful situations, exercise in older adults, cardiovascular exercise physiology

Gillette, Jason
Department: Kinesiology
Office: 103f Forker
Address: 534 Wallace Rd, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 8310
Research interests: biomechanics, biomedical engineering, injury biomechanics, musculoskeletal models

Gilligan, Megan
Department: Human Development and Family Studies
Office: 1356 Palmer
Address: 2222 Osborn Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 5074
Research interests: intergenerational relationships, parent-adult child relations, later-life families

Greder, Kimberly
Department: Human Development and Family Studies
Office: 56 LeBaron Hall
Address: 626 Morrill Road, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 5906
Research interests: Role of social support in individual and family health and well-being, with specific interest in families who have low-incomes, and in Latino immigrant families

Gudmunson, Clinton
Department: Human Development and Family Studies
Office: 1323 Palmer Building
Address: 2222 Osborn Drive, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 8439
Research interests: family economic pressure, financial literacy, financial socialization, retirement planning

Jordan, Tera
Department: Human Development and Family Studies
Office: 1364 Palmer
Address: 2222 Osborn Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 9804
Research interests: Marriage and intimate relationships, Type-2 diabetes prevention and management, black families, qualitative methods, mixed methods

King, Douglas
Department: Kinesiology
Office: 103b Forker
Address: 534 Wallace Rd, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 8429
Research interests: Rehydration after exercise, effect of exercise on insulin secretion and insulin action, efficacy and safety of prohormones, effects of nutritional supplements on the acute and chronic response to exercise, and exercise as a countermeasure for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Kohut, Marian
Department: Kinesiology
Office: 103d Forker
Address: 534 Wallace Rd, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 8364
Research interests: aging and the immune system, inflamm-aging, improving vaccines for the elderly

Lang, James
Department: Kinesiology
Office: 0103a Forker
Address: 534 Wallace Rd, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 4027
Research interests: Autonomic and cardivascular control, Environmental stress and thermoregulation, Cutaneous microvascular function.

Lee, Jeonguen
Department: Kinesiology
Office: 1311 Palmer
Address: 2222 Osborn Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 1884
Research interests: Gerontology/adult development, Social support exchanges, Social resilience of older adults, Community interventions.

Margrett, Jennifer
Department: Human Development and Family Studies
Office: 4380 Palmer
Address: 2222 Osborn Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 3028
Research interests: cognition, problem solving, everyday functioning, optimal aging, social context

Martin, Peter
Department: Human Development and Family Studies
Office: 1096 Lebaron
Address: 626 Morrill Rd, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 5186
Research interests: Longevity, life-Span Development, personality Development, life Events/stress/coping, and mental Health

Neppl, Tricia
Department: Human Development and Family Studies
Office: 2358 Palmer
Address: 2222 Osborn Dr., Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 8502
Research interests: Family Stress, Continuity of Parenting Across Generations, Parent-Child Relationship, Social-Emotional Development, Child and Adolescent Temperament, Observational Research Methods.

Russell, Daniel
Department: Human Development and Family Studies
Office: 2352 Palmer
Address: 2222 Osborn Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 4187
Research interests: social support, loneliness and health, neighborhood effects on physical & mental health, advanced quantitative methods

Sellers, Debra
Department: Human Development and Family Studies
Office: 105 MacKay
Address: 2302 Osborn Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 2312
Research interests: adaptive aging, caregiver, functional abilities, informal education, human-animal bond

Smiley-Oyen, Ann
Department: Kinesiology
Office: 0103p Forker
Address: 534 Wallace Rd, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 8261
Research interests: Planning and control of movement sequencing in people with Parkinson’s disease/children with developmental dyslexia/children with developmental coordination disorder, motor learning in people with Parkinson’s disease, effect of exercise in cognitive processing in children and older adults, and assessment of gait in people with Parkinson’s disease

Stegemoller, Elizabeth
Department: Kinesiology
Office: 111k Forker
Address: 534 Wallace Rd, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 5966
Research interests: neurophysiology, Parkinson’s Disease, music, motor control, repetitive movement

Willette, Auriel
Department: Food Science and Human Nutrition
Office: 224D MacKay Hall
Address: 2302 Osborn Drive, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 3110
Research interests: neuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience, clinical trials, big data, biological markers of progression in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias.

Zarling, Amie
Department: Human Development & Family Studies
Office: 1358 Palmer
Address: 2222 Osborn Dr., Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 5083
Research interests: Developing and testing evidence-based interventions to improve relationships and promote family health, Translating evidence-based principles into practice and evaluating the effects on behavior change, Family forensic psychology; in particular the study of family violence/domestic violence/intimate partner violence (including psychological, physical, and sexual aggression), Prevention and treatment of violence and aggression.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Chan, Jason
Department: Psychology
Office: 0006 Office and Lab
Address: 2401 Osborn Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 6946
Research interests: human memory, cognitive science, eyewitness memory, education

Chang, Carl
Department: Computer Science
Office: 106 Atanasoff
Address: 2434 Osborn Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 9393
Research interests: software engineering, smart and connected health, gerontechnology, human-computer interaction, aware computing

Cutrona, Carolyn
Department: Psychology
Office: W112 Lagomarcino
Address: 901 Stange Rd, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 0282
Research interests: Coping with stress; social support; close relationships; health psychology; marital relationships

Jones-Johnson, Gloria
Department: Sociology
Office: 202 East Hall
Address: 510 Farm House Lane, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 2947
Research interests: self-employment and the contingent work force

Mitra, Simanta
Department: Computer Science
Office: 103 Atanasoff
Address: 2434 Osborn Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 3463
Research interests: software engineering, design tools, design analysis

Phillips, Alison
Department: Psychology
Office: W112 Lagomarcino
Address: 901 Stange Road, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 3393
Research interests: processes by which individuals develop and maintain health-related habits, particularly medication adherence and regular physical activity. These processes include belief/attitude formation, experience that a behavior has expected results, intrinsic motivation and self-identitificaion with the behavior, and stable context cues for the behavior.

Shelley, Mack
Department: Political Science
Office: 509 Ross
Address: 527 Farm House Ln, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 1075
Research interests: public policy related to aging and disability, aging and disability, elder abuse, international perspectives on aging, technology use among older adults, program evaluation, statistics and research methods

Stewart, Susan
Department: Sociology
Office: 107 East Hall
Address: 510 Farm House Ln, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 5912
Research interests: nonresident parent-child relationships, child support, childhood obesity, adoption, women’s financial literacy

Wong, Johnny
Department: Computer Science
Office: 202 Atanasoff
Address: 2434 Osborn Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 2586
Research interests: software engineering, computer and network security, medical informatics, smart and connected health, gerontechnology, human-computer interaction
College of Veterinary Medicine

Kanthasamy, Anumantha
Department: Biomedical Sciences
Office: 2062 Vet Med
Address: 1800 Christensen Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: +1 515 294 2516
Research interests: cellular and molecular mechanisms of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and other aged related neurodegenerative diseases, biomarkers indentificaion, translational research, and drug discovery